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Advanced Law Studies Master's Degrees in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Advanced Studies Master's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we have evaluated 2 Wisconsin schools awarding advanced studies master's degrees, and University of Wisconsin Madison is the best option.

Check both Wisconsin schools offering corporate, finance, health, and tax law master's degrees and law colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other law major or diploma.

WI advanced studies master's degree schools:

University of Wisconsin Madison - Law School Ranking
Marquette University - Law School Ranking
2. Marquette University

Located in Milwaukee

Advanced studies master's degrees in nearby states:

University of Chicago - Law School Ranking
University of Chicago

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Northwestern University - Law School Ranking
Northwestern University

Located in Evanston, Illinois

University of Notre Dame - Law School Ranking
University of Notre Dame

Located in Notre Dame, Indiana

University of Michigan Ann Arbor - Law School Ranking
University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Located in Ann Arbor, Michigan

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign - Law School Ranking
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Located in Champaign, Illinois

University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Law School Ranking
University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota

University of St Thomas - Law School Ranking
University of St Thomas

Located in Saint Paul, Minnesota

Illinois Institute of Technology - Law School Ranking
Illinois Institute of Technology

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Indiana University Bloomington - Law School Ranking
Indiana University Bloomington

Located in Bloomington, Indiana

Michigan State University - Law School Ranking
Michigan State University

Located in East Lansing, Michigan

DePaul University - Law School Ranking
DePaul University

Located in Chicago, Illinois

University of Iowa - Law School Ranking
University of Iowa

Located in Iowa City, Iowa

Loyola University Chicago - Law School Ranking
Loyola University Chicago

Located in Chicago, Illinois

University of Illinois Chicago - Law School Ranking
University of Illinois Chicago

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Other law master's degrees in WI:

International Law: 2 schools

Other advanced studies diplomas in WI:

Certificates: 2 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 school

Wisconsin law schools by city:

Appleton: 1 school
Brookfield: 1 school
Cleveland: 1 school
Eau Claire: 1 school
Fond Du Lac: 1 school
Green Bay: 2 schools
Hayward: 1 school
Kenosha: 1 school
La Crosse: 1 school
Madison: 3 schools
Milwaukee: 3 schools
Superior: 1 school
Wausau: 1 school
Whitewater: 1 school

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