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General Legal Studies Bachelor's Degrees in District of Columbia

District of Columbia General Law Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we rated 2 District of Columbia schools granting general law bachelor's degrees, and American University is the best option.

Check both District of Columbia schools granting general legal studies bachelor's degrees and law colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other law major or diploma.

DC general law bachelor's degree schools:

American University - Law School Ranking
1. American University

Located in Washington

University of the District of Columbia - Law School Ranking

General law bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

University of Pittsburgh - Law School Ranking
University of Pittsburgh

Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Rutgers University Newark - Law School Ranking
Rutgers University Newark

Located in Newark, New Jersey

University of Baltimore - Law School Ranking
University of Baltimore

Located in Baltimore, Maryland

American Public University System - Law School Ranking
American Public University System

Located in Charles Town, West Virginia

University of Maryland Global - Law School Ranking
University of Maryland Global

Located in Adelphi, Maryland

Ramapo College of New Jersey - Law School Ranking
Ramapo College of New Jersey

Located in Mahwah, New Jersey

William Paterson University of New Jersey - Law School Ranking
William Paterson University of New Jersey

Located in Wayne, New Jersey

Dickinson College - Law School Ranking
Dickinson College

Located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Goldey Beacom College - Law School Ranking
Goldey Beacom College

Located in Wilmington, Delaware

Point Park University - Law School Ranking
Point Park University

Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Susquehanna University - Law School Ranking
Susquehanna University

Located in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania

Chestnut Hill College - Law School Ranking
Chestnut Hill College

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Alderson Broaddus University - Law School Ranking
Alderson Broaddus University

Located in Philippi, West Virginia

Other general law diplomas in DC:

Master's Degrees: 2 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 6 schools

District of Columbia law schools by city:

Washington: 6 schools

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