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General Legal Studies Bachelor's Degrees in Massachusetts

Massachusetts General Law Bachelor's Degree SchoolsOur 2024 ranking contains 8 Massachusetts schools providing general law bachelor's degrees, and University of Massachusetts Amherst is the best option.

Check other Massachusetts schools offering general law bachelor's degrees and law colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other law major or diploma.

MA general law bachelor's degree schools:

University of Massachusetts Amherst - Law School Ranking
Suffolk University - Law School Ranking
2. Suffolk University

Located in Boston

Western New England University - Law School Ranking
3. Western New England University

Located in Springfield

Bay Path University - Law School Ranking
4. Bay Path University

Located in Longmeadow

Lasell University - Law School Ranking
5. Lasell University

Located in Newton

College of Our Lady of the Elms - Law School Ranking
Hampshire College - Law School Ranking
7. Hampshire College

Located in Amherst

Anna Maria College - Law School Ranking
8. Anna Maria College

Located in Paxton

General law bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

New York University - Law School Ranking
New York University

Located in New York City, New York

University at Buffalo - Law School Ranking
University at Buffalo

Located in Buffalo, New York

Quinnipiac University - Law School Ranking
Quinnipiac University

Located in Hamden, Connecticut

St. John's University New York - Law School Ranking
St. John's University New York

Located in Queens, New York

CUNY Graduate School and University Center - Law School Ranking
CUNY Graduate School and University Center

Located in New York City, New York

United States Military Academy - Law School Ranking
United States Military Academy

Located in West Point, New York

CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice - Law School Ranking
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Located in New York City, New York

St. John Fisher University - Law School Ranking
St. John Fisher University

Located in Rochester, New York

MA law schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

Amherst College - Law School Ranking
Amherst College

Located in Amherst, 2 bachelor's programs

Other law bachelor's degrees in MA:

Advanced Studies: 1 school
Paralegal Studies: 3 schools

Other general law diplomas in MA:

Certificates: 1 school
Master's Degrees: 2 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 9 schools

Massachusetts law schools by city:

Amherst: 3 schools
Andover: 1 school
Bedford: 1 school
Boston: 7 schools
Cambridge: 1 school
Chestnut Hill: 1 school
Chicopee: 1 school
Danvers: 1 school
Fall River: 1 school
Gardner: 1 school
Haverhill: 1 school
Longmeadow: 1 school
Medford: 1 school
Newton: 1 school
North Dartmouth: 1 school
Paxton: 1 school
Quincy: 1 school
Roxbury Crossing: 1 school
Springfield: 1 school
Wellesley Hills: 1 school

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