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General Legal Studies Doctoral Degrees in North Carolina

North Carolina General Law Doctoral Degree SchoolsWe list 6 North Carolina schools offering general law doctoral degrees, and Duke University is the best option.

Check all North Carolina schools providing general legal studies doctoral degrees and law colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other law major or diploma.

NC general law doctoral degree schools:

Duke University - Law School Ranking
1. Duke University

Located in Durham

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Law School Ranking
2. University of North Carolina

Located in Chapel Hill

Wake Forest University - Law School Ranking
3. Wake Forest University

Located in Winston Salem

Elon University - Law School Ranking
4. Elon University

Located in Elon

North Carolina Central University - Law School Ranking
Campbell University - Law School Ranking
6. Campbell University

Located in Buies Creek

General law doctoral degrees in nearby states:

Vanderbilt University - Law School Ranking
Vanderbilt University

Located in Nashville, Tennessee

Washington and Lee University - Law School Ranking
Washington and Lee University

Located in Lexington, Virginia

University of Virginia - Law School Ranking
University of Virginia

Located in Charlottesville, Virginia

University of Richmond - Law School Ranking
University of Richmond

Located in Richmond, Virginia

William & Mary - Law School Ranking
William & Mary

Located in Williamsburg, Virginia

University of South Carolina Columbia - Law School Ranking
University of South Carolina Columbia

Located in Columbia, South Carolina

The University of Tennessee Knoxville - Law School Ranking
The University of Tennessee Knoxville

Located in Knoxville, Tennessee

George Mason University - Law School Ranking
George Mason University

Located in Fairfax, Virginia

Belmont University - Law School Ranking
Belmont University

Located in Nashville, Tennessee

University of Memphis - Law School Ranking
University of Memphis

Located in Memphis, Tennessee

Other law doctoral degrees in NC:

Advanced Studies: 2 schools

North Carolina law schools by city:

Buies Creek: 1 school
Chapel Hill: 1 school
Charlotte: 1 school
Dallas: 1 school
Dobson: 1 school
Durham: 3 schools
Elon: 1 school
Fayetteville: 1 school
Henderson: 1 school
Hudson: 1 school
Jacksonville: 1 school
Jamestown: 1 school
Morehead City: 1 school
Morganton: 1 school
Polkton: 1 school
Raleigh: 2 schools
Sanford: 1 school
Smithfield: 1 school
Sylva: 1 school
Thomasville: 1 school
Wilmington: 1 school
Wilson: 1 school
Winston Salem: 2 schools
Winterville: 1 school

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