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Paralegal Studies Bachelor's Degrees in New Jersey

New Jersey Paralegal Studies Bachelor's Degree SchoolsOur 2024 ranking contains 4 New Jersey schools providing paralegal studies bachelor's degrees, and Montclair State University is the best option.

Check other New Jersey schools offering paralegal studies bachelor's degrees and law colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other law major or diploma.

NJ paralegal studies bachelor's degree schools:

Montclair State University - Law School Ranking
1. Montclair State University

Located in Montclair

New Jersey Institute of Technology - Law School Ranking
Ramapo College of New Jersey - Law School Ranking
Berkeley College Woodland Park - Law School Ranking
4. Berkeley College Woodland Park

Located in Woodland Park

Paralegal studies bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Syracuse University - Law School Ranking
Syracuse University

Located in Syracuse, New York

Drexel University - Law School Ranking
Drexel University

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Temple University - Law School Ranking
Temple University

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Widener University - Law School Ranking
Widener University

Located in Chester, Pennsylvania

St. John's University New York - Law School Ranking
St. John's University New York

Located in Queens, New York

University of Baltimore - Law School Ranking
University of Baltimore

Located in Baltimore, Maryland

Nazareth College - Law School Ranking
Nazareth College

Located in Rochester, New York

Stevenson University - Law School Ranking
Stevenson University

Located in Owings Mills, Maryland

Delaware State University - Law School Ranking
Delaware State University

Located in Dover, Delaware

Peirce College - Law School Ranking
Peirce College

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Central Penn College - Law School Ranking
Central Penn College

Located in Summerdale, Pennsylvania

Wilmington University - Law School Ranking
Wilmington University

Located in New Castle, Delaware

NJ law schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

Rutgers University Newark - Law School Ranking
Rutgers University Newark

Located in Newark, 1 bachelor's program

William Paterson University of New Jersey - Law School Ranking
William Paterson University of New Jersey

Located in Wayne, 1 bachelor's program

Other law bachelor's degrees in NJ:

General Law: 3 schools

Other paralegal studies diplomas in NJ:

Certificates: 11 schools
Associate's Degrees: 17 schools
Master's Degrees: 2 schools

New Jersey law schools by city:

Blackwood: 1 school
Branchburg: 1 school
Camden: 1 school
Carneys Point: 1 school
Cranford: 1 school
Edison: 1 school
Hackettstown: 1 school
Jersey City: 1 school
Lincroft: 1 school
Mahwah: 1 school
Mays Landing: 1 school
Montclair: 1 school
Mount Laurel: 1 school
Newark: 3 schools
Newton: 1 school
Paramus: 1 school
Sewell: 1 school
South Orange: 1 school
Toms River: 1 school
Washington: 1 school
Wayne: 1 school
West Windsor: 1 school
Woodland Park: 1 school

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